Keramik Brennen: Ein Leitfaden für die perfekte Verarbeitung - Töpferkunst | Steingut Geschirrset

Ceramic firing: A guide to perfect processing


Welcome to the ultimate guide to ceramic firing! For lovers of handmade artwork, ceramic firing is the key to perfection. Whether you're an experienced potter or just diving into the world of clay art, this post will provide you with valuable insight and practical tips on how to perfect your ceramic pieces.

The art of ceramic firing

Ceramic firing is the crucial step in the pottery process that turns shapeless clay into solid and durable objects. There are various techniques and aspects that need to be considered during firing to achieve the best possible result.

Preparation is everything

Before you start burning, thorough preparation is crucial:

  • Sound quality : Use high-quality sound that is suitable for your desired objects.
  • Shaping : Shape your objects carefully and take into account shrinkage during the firing process.
  • Drying : Allow your works to dry thoroughly to avoid cracking and deformation.

Understanding firing techniques

There are different types of burning that produce different results:

  • Raku firing : Traditional Japanese technique for unique effects.
  • Reduction firing : Produces deep colors and special surfaces.
  • Electric burning : Precise burning for consistent results.

Maintenance and post-processing

After firing, caring for your ceramics is crucial:

  • Glaze : Choose the right glaze for aesthetics and functionality.
  • Post-processing : sanding, polishing or decorating for the final finish.
  • Care instructions : Give your customers tips on how to care for their new ceramic pieces.


Firing ceramics is more than just a craft - it is an art form that combines creativity and technique. With the right knowledge and techniques, you can produce high-quality, hand-crafted ceramics that will delight your customers. Treat yourself and your rooms to the best of ceramic art!

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